Our Ethos and Values

 Our aim for the children is to: ‘Be a Star!'.

This was developed with the children as a key theme for everything that we as a school do. It is central to our teaching and learning as well as our expectations of behaviour across the school.

Our four school values are:

We aim for all learners to have the skills to work collaboratively, be resourceful, reflective, independent, motivated learners. We aim for all learners to have the life skills necessary to succeed in today’s world. We will do this by encouraging self-confidence and the ability to make decisions. We will create a happy, friendly and stimulating working atmosphere. We will provide well planned, creative and experiential learning experiences which will be matched to the individual strengths and needs of the children. We will provide opportunities through an exciting and engaging curriculum to develop skills for life. 

We aim for everyone to have high expectations and be ambitious in order to achieve in all areas, recognising children as individuals with their particular talents and gifts. We will celebrate all types of achievements so that everybody experiences the fulfilment of personal and shared success.

We aim for all learners to be independent, confident individuals with high self-esteem who can demonstrate strength of character. We will create opportunities for everyone to express feelings and needs. We will involve children and all members of the school community in making decisions about how we work together.

We aim for everyone to have a high sense of respect and responsibility for themselves and others. We will ensure that everyone has access to equal opportunities. We will expect sensitivity and acceptance to others and good manners.

We aim for all learners to develop great teamwork skills and to feel a part of the community and contribute to it. We will integrate town, school life and the wider community. We will provide opportunities for children to learn about and care for others beyond our school community. Through ‘Eco-Schools we will ensure an increased awareness and responsibility for our environment, appreciating and understanding local and global issues.

We aim for all members of the school community to develop a healthy and safe lifestyle. We will provide support and opportunities through our curriculum, through the use of a positive behaviour and reward system and by developing high quality personal and social skills.

We aim to provide a happy, safe and secure environment in which children feel comfortable in their learning and safe to share their opinions and concerns. We will instil a feeling of pride, shared responsibility and a positive sense of belonging.