Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is run by Long Sutton County Primary School and exists to provide high quality before school childcare for our children. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.

The club operates from 8.00am term time and costs £3 per session which includes breakfast. Payments are to be made via ParentPay in advance.

Due to the high demand for places, we are unable to take bookings by telephone. The updated booking procedure ensures the safety and quality of provision for the children in our care. Please see the Breakfast Club Policy link for further details.

The booking procedure is as follows:

  • Parents/carers complete the Agreement form and Registration form, both included in the Breakfast Club Policy. Without this information, the school is unable to provide any breakfast sessions.
  • Parents/carers complete a booking form stating which sessions they would like their child/children to attend. Unless a booking form has been completed and your place at those sessions has been confirmed, the school will be unable to accommodate your child at Breakfast Club.
  •  Parents are required to 'sign in' children each morning when they are dropped off at the school office.

We will continue to do our best to accommodate last minute requests for places at Breakfast Club but this will be subject to places being available and the Agreement and Registration forms having already been completed.

As a school, we have been delighted with the take up of our Breakfast Club provision and believe our chidren genuinely benefit from such a warm, calm and caring start to the school day.  If you have any questions about how the changes may affect you, or if you are completely new to Breakfast Club and would like to find out more, please come to the school office and we will do our best to help.