At Long Sutton Primary School we use a ‘key word’ signing system called Makaton. This means that when we are talking we try to use signs to ‘highlight’ the most important words in a sentence. Signs are used alongside talking and this encourages children’s listening, attention, understanding, speech production and confidence.
Makaton signs are used by teachers in the classroom as a tool to support children in remembering and understanding what has been said. Some children will also be encouraged to use the sign themselves alongside their talking to help develop their confidence and communication skills.
Signing is a recognised approach in the field of communication needs. It is used as a visual clue to support the spoken word in order to:
Below you will find our ‘Signs of the Week’ as well as useful resources and links which the children may enjoy exploring.
Have fun signing!
A YouTube channel which allows children to learn basic Makaton signs as well as popular and familiar songs
A range of familiar children’s TV programmes in which a variety of themes are explored involving the teaching of basic Makaton signs
The official website for the UK based Makaton Charity which includes lots of free resources on relevant topics as well as basic Makaton vocabulary
The official website for the Down’s Syndrome Association which is relevant to our school community
Below you will find our signs of the week.