Upper Key Stage 2 Classes

On this page you will find information and updates for Jays, Barn Owls, Kestrels and Sparrowhawks classes.

Jays and Barn Owls
Class Teachers:

Mr Whitehead and Mrs Clark

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Kirkham, Miss Watson, Mrs Thornhill

Welcome to Year 5: Jays and Barn Owls

Through following the school’s ‘Be A Star’ motto, Year 5 seek opportunities to develop team-work skills, alongside developing independence and confidence in themselves as young people. We want our pupils to enjoy their learning journey, and to achieve the highest standards they are capable of during their time with us.

Every week, Year 5 will be set appropriate homework tasks. Our expectations are: 

  • Reading: For 20 minutes, 3 times a week. We ask that an adult signs their purple Reading Record as evidence that their child has read. It is beneficial for your child to read aloud to an adult regularly too, to support reading fluency and expression, along with providing opportunities to discuss the shared text, developing comprehension and understanding. 
  • Reading Comprehension: Read the short text and answer the questions. This task will be marked together on a Wednesday and a new task will be given out) 
  • Spellings: Practising set spellings regularly (to be tested on a Friday -usually- and a new set of spellings will be given out). 
  • Times Table Rock Stars: For 15 mins, 3 times a week 

Our P.E. days are on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school on these days (and that it is suitable for the changeable weather- some units of learning are led outside, even in the colder and wetter months). Children with longer hair should have their hair tied up please, and any earrings or watches need to be removed. 
To minimise cases of lost property, please ensure all times of clothing are named, so they can be returned to their rightful owner if misplaced.  

Kestrels and Sparrowhawks
Class Teachers:

Mrs Sutton and Mrs Dowding

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Braginton, Miss Wilson-Hawes

Kestrels and Sparrowhawks are fabulous classes full of Year 6 children who pride themselves on being excellent role models to both their peers and younger children within school. 


The children will participate in two PE lessons every week on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

The children’s first PE lesson of the week will be taught by Mrs Hales.  In this lesson, the children will learn a range of sporting skills and develop their understanding of different rules and competitive games.  The children’s second PE lesson of the week will be taught by a sports coach.  In these lessons, the children will learn a number of ‘Team Games’ to help develop their ‘teamwork’ and ‘sportsmanship’ skills. 
When taking part in PE lessons, we ask that all jewellery, including earrings and watches, must be removed.  

All children must wear school PE kit, which consists of:

  • Plain navy or black: shorts, skorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings with no logos
  • Plain navy or black jumper with no logos or Long Sutton school sweatshirt
  • Plain white polo shirt with no logos
  • Black or white trainers


Children in Year 6 will receive three pieces of homework per week and homework will be given out on Fridays to be returned the following Friday.   
Weekly homework includes:

  • Playing TTRS for a minimum of 30 minutes per week
  • Reading for a minimum of 3 times per week or 45 minutes.
  • A written reading comprehension task

If your child is struggling to complete the homework set, then they should talk to Ms Dowding or Mrs Sutton before the homework due date and support will be provided.