Lower Key Stage 2 Classes

On this page you will find information and updates for Starlings, Swifts, Kingfishers and Woodpeckers classes.

Starlings and Swifts
Class Teachers:

Miss Law and Mrs Withers

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Golledge, Mrs Claxton

About us

The children in Starlings and Swifts classes are very enthusiastic about their learning, and always strive to do their very best.  As we progress through the year, we will be encouraging the children to become more independent and take responsibility for their own learning, through various ways, but ensuring we are following our school’s ‘Be a Star!’ values (Strength, Teamwork, Ambition and Respect).


The expectations of homework in Year 3 are as follows:

  • TTRS for 15 minutes at least 3 times a week.
  • Reading at least 3 times a week.
  • Spellings – will be handed out on a Thursday and will be tested the following Thursday.
  • Reading Comprehension - Read the short text and answer the questions. This task will be marked together on a Thursday and a new task will be given out.

Children who are struggling to complete the homework need to speak to their class teacher before it is due, to ensure enough time for support to be given.


The children will participate in two PE lessons every week on Wednesday mornings lead by class teachers, and on a Friday, afternoon will be taught by Miss Barton. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school on these days (and that it is suitable for the changeable weather- some units of learning are led outside, even in the colder and wetter months). Children with longer hair should have their hair tied up please, and any earrings need to be removed.
To minimise cases of lost property, please ensure all items of clothing are named.

This is subject to change when the children start swimming – more details to follow.

Kingfishers and Woodpeckers
Class Teachers:

Mrs Lockwood and Mrs Copeman/ Mrs Hill

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Pereira, Mrs Rouse, Mr Baker

We are two fabulous Year 4 classes and are really looking forward to working with the amazing children.
Every week we will be participating in PE on MONDAY and TUESDAY.  Please ensure your child has the full and weather-appropriate PE kit with them on these days. Children with long hair should have their hair tied up, and any earrings, watches or other jewellery needs to be removed. Please also send a coat for playtime.

HOMEWORK – children that have completed the reading scheme are free to choose a reading book that they would like to read. These should be read at least three times a week with an adult, and recorded in their reading journal. Children that are still working through the scheme will be given two books to read at home. These will be changed as soon as possible after they are returned to school. Children that meet these reading expectations will get a star on the star chart.
Each week, children will also have 8-10 spellings to learn and some reading homework that has comprehension questions. As it is very important that children learn the multiplication tables, children will be given times table homework weekly, as well as having logins for Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash.
All homework is given out on a Friday and marked the following Friday.

Please remember to check the school’s website and Facebook page, along with letters for regular updates and notifications.